[麦克风前置放大器插件]Triton Audio D2O v1.0.3 [WiN, MacOSX](36.78MB)

Triton Audio D2O v1.0.3 [WiN ]| TEAM HCiSO | 18 August 2024 | 17.34 MB

Triton Audio D2O v1.0.3 [MacOSX] | BUBBiX | 19 June 2024 | 19.44 MB


我们的 D2O 作为音频插件回归。我们全力以赴,利用人工智能来捕捉原始D2O的灵魂和细微差别。该插件提供从温暖到完全饱和的所有内容。适用于所有来源的多功能工具,超越了原始硬件限制。

功能 主插件
• HI / LO – 设置输入变压器的阻抗。这将导致不同的声音。
• Ø / NRM – 180 度翻转相位。
• 增益 – 设置热量/饱和度。
• 电子管/FET – 在 FET 和电子管增益级之间切换,以实现不同类型的饱和。
• 开/关 – 绕过插件。

• 输入 – 在主插件之前设置输入增益。
• 高通 – 低频滚动。
• TILT EQ – 将整个音频频谱倾斜到高或低。
• 输出 – 在主插件之后设置输出增益。
• MIX – 混合干燥信号和处理过的信号。

使用中 较低的增益设置可用于获得温暖的声音。当按下增益旋钮时,饱和度会增加。饱和度可以用混合旋钮来驯服。如果需要更高的饱和度,您可以调高输入旋钮并调低输出旋钮。这样,您可以更努力地驱动 D2O 以获得更高的饱和度。使用高通滤波器和倾斜均衡器来微调您的信号。例如,大多数电吉他将受益于一点高通滤波。

2012 年,我们推出了 D2O 麦克风前置放大器。凭借其独特的固态电子和超小型电子管的融合,D2O 提供了一个多功能的声音调色板,吸引了音乐家和工程师。零件的可用性和制造成本成为一个问题,因此我们在十年后停止生产 D2O。

今天,我们的 D2O 前置放大器作为音频插件回归。这不仅仅是另一个插件。我们利用神经网络和人工智能来捕捉 D2O 的灵魂和细微差别,标志着与传统电路建模的背离。我们的方法提供了丰富、真实的声音,并辅以倾斜均衡器、高通滤波器 (HPF) 和混音控制等现代功能,这些都是原始硬件无法提供的增强功能。

这个插件的与众不同之处在于它能够驾驭极端的声音——从温和的温暖到激进的饱和度——使其成为增强各种音源的多功能工具,包括人声、吉他、鼓,甚至混音总线。该插件在 CPU 上实时运行,重新定义了数字音频领域,使制作人和工程师能够在不受硬件限制的情况下为他们的项目注入 D2O 的传奇温暖。

我们相信分享我们对音乐和音频电子产品的热情。这种热情为Triton Audio奠定了基础。我们在音响工程、专业音频和音乐制作方面的友谊和不同背景造就了牢固的合作伙伴关系。


• OS X 10.13 或更高版本
• Apple Silicon 或 Intel Core 处理器

Our D2O returns as an audio plugin. We went all out and used AI to capture the soul and nuances of the original D2O. The plugin offers everything from warmth to full blown saturation. A versatile tool for all sources that surpasses the original hardware limitations.

Functions main plugin
• HI / LO – sets the impedance of the input transformer. This will result in a different sound.
• Ø / NRM – flip phase with 180 degrees.
• GAIN – sets the amount of warmth / saturation.
• TUBE / FET – toggle between fet and tube gain stage for a different kind of saturation.
• ON / OFF – bypass the plugin.

Extended features
• INPUT – set your input gain before the main plugin.
• HIGH PASS – roll of low frequencies.
• TILT EQ – tilt the complete audio spectrum to high or low.
• OUTPUT – set your output gain after the main plugin.
• MIX – Mix dry and processed signal.

In use
Lower gain settings can be used to achieve warm sounds. When pushing the gain knob, saturation will increase. Saturation can be tamed with the mix knob. If more saturation is desired you can turn up the input knob and turn down the output knob. This way you can drive the D2O much harder for more saturation. Use the high pass filter and tilt eq to finetune your signal. For instance most electric guitars will benefit from a little high pass filtering.

In 2012, we unveiled the D2O Microphone Preamp. With its unique blend of solid-state electronics and subminiature tubes, the D2O offered a versatile sonic palette that appealed to musicians and engineers. Availability of parts and manufacturing costs became an issue, so we stopped producing the D2O after a decade.

Today our D2O preamp returns as an audio plugin. This isn’t just another plugin. We’ve harnessed neural networks with artificial intelligence to capture the soul and nuances of the D2O, marking a departure from traditional circuit modelling. Our approach offers a rich, authentic sound, supplemented with modern features such as tilt EQ, high-pass filter (HPF), and mix control—enhancements the original hardware couldn’t offer.

What sets this plugin apart is its ability to navigate the sonic extremes—from gentle warmth to aggressive saturation— making it a versatile tool for enhancing a wide range of sources, including vocals, guitars, drums, and even the mix bus. Operating in real-time on the CPU, this plugin redefines the digital audio landscape, granting producers and engineers the power to infuse their projects with the D2O’s legendary warmth without hardware constraints.

We believe in sharing our passion for music and audio electronics. This passion created the base for Triton Audio. Our friendship and different backgrounds in sound engineering, pro audio, and music production resulted in a strong partnership.

Our products are designed without deadlines and budget limits. We make no compromises on performance and quality. Our products are extremely low maintenance and designed and built to last a lifetime.

Supported Operation System:
• OS X 10.13 or later
• Apple Silicon or Intel Core processor

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