TECHNiA | 20 August 2024 | 96.8 MB
infrequent 套件包含一系列 [有机、未来主义和工业声音]。它将把你的声音升级到 [广泛的维度]。infrequent 套件旨在把你的创造力提升到另一个层次。infrequent 中的每一件物品都会让你的混音听起来像 [调色板]。
由多种音调组成 – [八十八十、鼓边击、通鼓、打击乐、拍手、脚踢、效果、小军鼓、帽子、贝司、循环、沙球等]。
声音是有机制作的,并充满了 [频率中异常范围的颜色]。波形的长度被切断,以免相互叠加 [以获得那种工业声音]。此外,来自 infrequent 的许多声音都通过不同的效果链着色 [以获得那种未来主义的声音]。我们的想法是制作完美混合的声音,以制作具有良好有机品质的音乐。
infrequent kit features a bunch of [organic, futuristic and industrial sonics]. it will upgrade your sound to [extensive dimensions]. the infrequent kit was created to get your creativity to another level. every item from the infrequent will make your mixes sounds like [palette of colors].
consists of a tones of tones – [eight0eights, rimshots, toms, percussions, claps, kicks, effects, snares, hats, basses, loops, shakers, etc.]
the sounds was organically made and filled with [anomalous range of colors in frequencies]. the length of waves was cut to not be layered with each other [to get that industrial sound]. also lotta sounds from the infrequent was colored by different effect_chains [to get that futuristic sound]. the idea was to make perfectly mixed sonics to make music with good organic quality.