[95种世界民族小打合集音色]Soundiron Shake [KONTAKT](7.43Gb)

Shake 是一个全面的收藏,包含来自世界各地的 95 种沙球、铃鼓、摇铃和铃铛。

这个深度和风格广泛的样本库专注于英国乐器演奏家和媒体作曲家 David Oliver 的动态现场打击乐表演。


Shake 是一个全面的收藏,包含来自世界各地的 95 种沙球、铃鼓、摇铃和铃铛。这个深度和风格广泛的样本库专注于英国乐器演奏家和媒体作曲家 David Oliver 的动态现场打击乐表演。

Shake 拥有您下一次创作所需的一切,包括微型软塑料和生皮蛋形沙球、填充乒乓球摇铃、生皮、塑料和木制沙球,以及由芦苇、种子荚、葫芦、藤蔓、藤条、椰子、坚果壳、竹子、木材和金属等天然材料制成的中小型乐器。此外,还有许多由 David 制作或即兴创作的独特乐器,如竹雨棒沙球、绿豆沙球、鸡尾酒棒沙球和垫盒多效果沙球(一个装有滚珠轴承的扁平木盒)以及多种 Caxixi 组合。借助我们直观的多层模块化 UI,您可以完全自由地混合、分层、影响和自定义每种声音,让您心满意足。

David 录制了大量现场演奏的节奏、填充、装饰、滚动和单独采样的打击乐。Shake 包括非洲、拉丁美洲、印度和世界乐器,其录音真实有力、充满活力,经过精心手工制作,可轻松用于电影、游戏和任何需要沙球的音乐类型。David

从他的大型收藏中精心挑选了这套可录制性极高的乐器,这些沙球声音最动听、最实用。他多次录制了所有这些乐器,将延长的演奏切分为最佳的 2 小节无缝循环,拍号为 3-4、4-4、5-4、6-8 和 7-8,间隔为 20bpm,从 80bpm 到 140bpm,整套马拉卡模式为 4-4,节奏从 160bpm 到 280bpm。

内置循环浏览器可让您按风格和乐器关键字、节奏和拍号过滤搜索,您甚至可以为您最喜欢的循环加注星号以便立即调用。将循环加载到插槽网格后,您可以将每个循环调整为单独的瞬态切片,并使用播放方向、切片顺序、ADSR 和自定义步进自动化排序,以获得音量、音高、平移、滤波器截止和共振参数,您可以用鼠标自由绘制。

Kontakt 界面包括一套可自动化的声音塑造控制,为您提供完全的创作灵活性。您可以控制膨胀、攻击、释放、偏移、颤音、滤波器、音高(粗调和细调)、发音切换、交叉淡入淡出和分层等等。我们还提供了 20 个独特的声音设计的自定义 FX 预设,为您提供大量创意选项。

这个库配备了一个适应性强的 LFO 系统,具有可选的 LFO 形状、调制目标参数、速度、强度、节奏同步和淡入时间。您还可以选择 12 个低通、高通和 FX 滤波器,以及可分配的调制目标,如速度、调制轮、表情、触后、键位置和步进音序器表控制。我们可定制的琶音器提供了速度表和对琶音方向、时间、摆动、随机化和持续时间的控制。我们添加了一个键和音阶锁定系统,将您的音符限制在常见的音阶和键上,以便于创作旋律和现场演奏。

界面由我们的模块化 FX 机架面板完善,具有 18 种不同的 DSP 效果模块,您可以按照自己希望的顺序分配到 10 个可用插槽中的任意一个。您会发现经典的移相器、镶边器、延迟、失真、放大器和驾驶室模拟器、压缩器、均衡器、旋转器等等。混响效果包括我们最喜欢的卷积混响脉冲响应,包括 99 个不同的房间、大厅、室内和室外环境,以及另外 40 个自定义 FX 脉冲,可彻底改变声音并开辟全新的音乐可能性世界。我们添加了大量的 FX 机架链工厂预设,帮助您入门!

大卫·奥利弗是一位备受尊敬的打击乐手,他为众多获奖电影和电视节目创作了精彩而富有表现力的配乐。他在英国萨默塞特的工作室工作,他有一种直觉的创造性方法,这使他于 2012 年首次引起了多次获奖的作曲家威廉·古德柴尔德的注意。大卫继续为威廉·古德柴尔德为国家地理野生动物纪录片《终极蜜獾》创作节奏合奏录音。这是一次卓有成效的首次合作,并在 2014 年获得了国家地理频道历史上同类节目的最高观看次数(地球触摸新闻网 2014 年 1 月 9 日)。这是与 Goodchild 合作的一系列获奖作品的开始,尤其是《非洲巨人杀手》(BBC 自然世界 2015 年)和《Jago:水下生活》(James Morgan Films,James Reed 联合执导,2015 年)——获得杰克逊霍尔大提顿奖和 Wildscreen Panda 奖 2016 年。其他值得注意的合作包括与艾美奖获奖作曲家 Barnaby Taylor 合作,为《大象家族和我》(BBC 自然世界 – 2016 年)和《山之幽灵》(迪士尼自然 – 2017 年)创作配乐。David 是一位狂热的节奏探索者,他制作了许多自己的打击乐器,如 UDU、竹节鼓、雨棒和水鼓。他是健康音乐的热心倡导者,并定期进行现场表演。请访问 www.davidolivermusic.com 了解更多信息。


– 10 个 Kontakt 6 Player 格式的多采样 NKI 乐器库
– 11 个 Kontakt 6 Player 格式的 Loop NKI 乐器库
– 从源内容创建的 35 个氛围补丁
– 26,504 个立体声样本
– 24 位,48 kHz 立体声无损 NCW 格式用于 Kontakt 预设
– 已安装 7.41 GB(未压缩 10.1 GB)
– 专为免费的 Kontakt Player(版本 6.1+)、Komplete Kontrol、所有 S 系列键盘和 Native Instruments 的 NKS 软件和硬件打造
– 可与 Kontakt“Libraries”浏览器和 Native Access 配合使用

该库需要 NI Kontakt Player 或 Kontakt FULL v6.1.1 或更高版本!

Shake is a comprehensive collection of 95 shakers, tambourines, rattles, and bells from all over the world. This deep and stylistically expansive sample library focuses on dynamic live percussion performances by British instrumentalist and media composer David Oliver.

Shake has everything you need for your next composition, including tiny soft plastic and raw hide egg shakers, filled ping pong ball rattle, raw hide, plastic and wooden maracas, small and medium sized instruments made from natural materials such as reeds, seed pods, gourds, vines, rattan, coconuts, nut shells, bamboo, wood and metal. There are also many unique instruments made or improvised by David like the bamboo rainstick shaker, mung bean shaker, cocktail stick shaker and pad box multi effect shaker (a flat wooden box containing ball bearings) and multiple Caxixi combinations. With our intuitive multi-layered modular UI, you’ll enjoy complete freedom to mix, layer, affect and customize each sound to your heart’s content.

David recorded masses of live performed grooves, fills, flourishes, rolls, and individually sampled hits. Shake includes African, Latin American, Indian, and World instruments with powerfully authentic and spirited recordings that are carefully hand-crafted for effortless use in films, games, and any genre of music that needs shaker.

David meticulously selected this bundle of highly recordable instruments amongst the most sonic and dynamically useful shakers from his grand collection. He recorded them all multiple times, slicing the extended performances into the best 2 bar seamless loops in time signatures of 3-4, 4-4, 5-4 6-8 and 7-8, at intervals of 20bpm from 80bpm to 140bpm and whole sets of maraca patterns in 4-4 with tempos from 160bpm to 280bpm.

The built-in loop browser lets you filter your search by style and instrument keywords, tempo and time signature and you can even star your favorite loops for instant recall. Once you load your loops into the slot grid, you can tweak each loop down to the individual transient slice, with playback direction, slice order, ADSR and custom step automation sequencing for volume, pitch, pan, filter cutoff and resonance parameters that you can freely draw with your mouse.

The Kontakt interface includes a suite of automation-ready sound-shaping controls to give you total creative flexibility. You have control over swell, attack, release, offset, vibrato, filter, pitch (coarse & fine), articulation switching, cross-fading and layering, and so much more. We’ve also included 20 unique sound-designed custom FX presets to give you lots of creative options.

This library comes with an adaptable LFO system, with selectable LFO shape, modulation target parameter, speed, intensity, tempo-syncing and fade-in time. You can also apply your choice of 12 lowpass, high-pass and FX filters, with assignable modulation targets such as velocity, modwheel, expression, after-touch, key position and step-sequencer table control. Our customizable arpeggiator offers a velocity table and control over arp direction, timing, swing, randomization and duration. We’ve included a key and scale lock system to constrain your notes to common scales and keys for easy melodic composition and live performance.

The interface is rounded-out by our modular FX rack panel, with 18 different DSP effect modules that you can assign in any of 10 available slots, in any order that you wish. You’ll find classic phaser, flanger, delay, distortion, amp and cab simulators, compressors, EQ, rotator and so much more. The Reverb effect includes our favorite convolution reverb impulse responses, including 99 different rooms, halls, chambers and outdoor environments, plus another 40 custom FX impulses to radically transform the sound and open up whole new worlds of musical possibility. We’ve added a great bank of FX rack chain factory presets to get you started!

David Oliver is an esteemed percussionist known for his brilliant and expressive soundtrack work on numerous award winning films and television programs. Working from his studio in Somerset, UK, he has an intuitively inventive approach which first brought him to the attention of multiple award winning composer William Goodchild in 2012. David went on to create rhythm ensemble recordings for William Goodchild’s soundtrack to National Geographic wildlife documentary Ultimate Honey Badger. It was a fruitful first collaboration and received the highest number of Nat Geo views in its category in the history of the channel in 2014 (Earth Touch News Network Jan 9 2014).

This was the start of a string of award winning collaborations with Goodchild, notably Africa’s Giant Killers (BBC Natural World 2015) and Jago: A Life Underwater (James Morgan Films, co-Directed by James Reed 2015) – Winner of Jackson Hole Grand Teton Award and Wildscreen Panda Award 2016. Other collaborations of note include working with Emmy award winning composer Barnaby Taylor on the soundtracks for Elephant Family And Me (BBC Natural World – 2016) and Ghost of the Mountain (Disney Nature – 2017). David is an avid rhythmic explorer who has made a number of his own percussion instruments such as UDU, bamboo slit drums, rainsticks and waterdrums. He is a keen proponent of music for well being and regularly performs live. Visit him at www.davidolivermusic.com for more info.

Product Specs

– 10 Multi-sample NKI instrument banks in Kontakt 6 Player format
– 11 Loop NKI instruments banks in Kontakt 6 Player format
– 35 Ambience patches created from the source content
– 26,504 stereo samples
– 24-bit, 48 kHz Stereo Lossless NCW Format for Kontakt presets
– 7.41 GB Installed (10.1 GB Uncompressed)
– Made for the free Kontakt Player (version 6.1+), Komplete Kontrol, all S-Series Keyboards and NKS software and hardware by Native Instruments
– Works with the Kontakt “Libraries” browser and Native Access

This library requires NI Kontakt Player or Kontakt FULL v6.1.1 or later!


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