[新理念钢琴库]XPERIMENTA Audio Due [KONTAKT](16.38Gb)

KONTAKT – 16,38 GB | Incl. BONUS Patches



C3 + C7当 Flavio 和团队决定制作这个采样库时,他们心中有一个目标,那就是创造一些特别的东西,一些独一无二的东西,能够真正保留住原声钢琴的本质。我们将采样艺术与编程艺术结合起来,制作出了最好的采样钢琴,旨在满足最挑剔的作曲家和音乐家的需求。

XPERIMENTA Due 是我们新理念的钢琴库,包含两架使用顶级设备录制的优质钢琴和独特的细节。

– 一个库中有 2 架美丽的采样钢琴:C7 Gran Coda 和 C3 Half Coda 
– 14 个动态层半音采样– 16.6GB,9.500 个样本和 1 年的工作
– 最多 3 个麦克风位置:近距离、播放器(仅限 C7)、房间
– 真实共振、泛音和高级重复模拟
– 使用“共振峰”、“音调平衡”和集成包络塑造您的声音。
– 15 个噪音层(棉花、树叶等)和 9 个乐器层(合唱团、康特勒琴等)
– 新功能!“感觉”模拟加重键盘的响应
– 新功能!现在 Due 支持半踏板





经过无数次测试后,我们使用顶级麦克风如 DPA、Neumann、Gefell,在赫尔辛基西贝柳斯学院工作室两个美妙的声音环境中录制了钢琴。




脉冲响应:与西贝柳斯学院音乐技术部门合作,我们采样了 C7 的琴弦和琴身的冲击响应。

Formant 控制


– “靠近”:麦克风靠近琴弦,声音现代而干净。
– “播放器”:麦克风与播放器处于同一位置。音效非常自然,且平衡性好。
– “房间”:麦克风远离钢琴,因此它们将捕捉到录音室的反射。声音很宽广,非常适合古典音乐。图层扩展您的可能性:Due 可让您在钢琴声音中添加噪音或乐器层。使用此功能,可以创建类似毛毡的钢琴(带棉层)或完整的声音预设(带合唱层)。
– 噪音层:棉花 2、棉花 2、软棉、纸、海绵、树叶、弦乐打击乐、钥匙、金属、塑料 1、塑料 2、暖塑料、玻璃、铃铛 1、铃铛 2 
– 乐器层:铃铛、康特勒琴、钢琴、泛音、合唱团、吉他、钟琴、颤音琴、电子吉他Oldify “Oldify” 是一系列可让您模拟旧录音的效果。

– 磁带会给声音添加谐波失真– Flutter 模拟磁带的快速调制
– Wow 模拟磁带的缓慢随机调制
– Filter 是一种带通滤波器:在这里您可以轻松模拟蹩脚的扬声器,例如电话呼叫卷积混响在 17 种卷积混响之间进行选择,并将钢琴放置在您想要的位置!IR 混响:房间 1、房间 2、大房间 1、大房间 2、大房间 3、大厅 1、大厅 2、木材 1、木材 2、大厅、歌剧厅、停车场 1、停车场 2、教堂 1、教堂 2、竞技场、春天。


Ver 1.0 移除了“Layers”中的“Metallic”项;调整了一些采样的起始点;改进了 CPU 性能。
Ver 1.1 修复了 Piano One Note: B3 速度 106-112 的采样问题。
Ver 1.2 修复了 Piano One Note: D2 速度 106-112 的采样问题;更改了 First Piano – Close mics 的一些 EQ 参数;修复了“XPERIMENTA First Piano”的默认值;轻微修正了“XPERIMENTA First Piano (Light)”;移除了 First Piano 的 G3 采样,因为该音符声音尖锐,用最近的音符替代。
Ver 1.3 修复了“Group Solo”问题。
Ver 1.4 新增了噪声层:String Perc、Key、Metal 1、Plastic 1、Plastic 2、Warm Plastic、Glass、Bells 1、Bells 2;新增了“Tuned layers”功能;新增了调音层:Kantele、Bells、Piano、Guitar、Harmonics、Choir、E. Guitar、Glockenspiel、Vibraphone;新增了“Settings”和“Mic”页面的标签;修复了 First piano: C#3 键,Second Piano: C4 的采样问题;修复了最高音的长度;改善了响应;统一了所有补丁的标准音量;新增了 Formants 控制功能;改进了降噪;更新了 .nki 路径;其他微小修复。
Ver 1.5 修复了 Second Piano Samples 的延迟问题;修复了所有 Second Piano 补丁;修复了一些层采样的问题;First Piano 响应更加温暖;Second Piano 声音略有改变;新增!Feeling 选项;新增!Ultra light 补丁;新增!Bonus 补丁。
Ver 1.9 修复了 First Piano 4th 八度的共鸣问题;修复了 First 和 Second Piano 的噪声控制;新增!现在支持半踏板;声音改善;新增!现在可以清除释放采样;新增!两种类型的共鸣;Impulse Response 和 Sample。注意:Impulse Response 在 Kontakt 5 中效果更好。
Ver 1.9.2 修复了默认关闭的共鸣旋钮。推荐在 Kontakt 6 中使用;新增!软踏板支持;修复了“Flutter”标签。
Ver 1.9.3 修复了不再出现补丁的问题,改善了延迟响应。
Ver 1.9.31 修复了 .rar 文件第一部分在某些解压缩软件中存在问题。

需要完整版的 Native Instruments Kontakt v5.5.1 或更高版本!


C3 + C7
When Flavio and the team decided to make this sample library, they had in mind to create something special, something unique, that could really keep the real essence of the acoustic piano. We combined the art of sampling and the art of scripting to make the best sampled piano we could, made for satisfying the most demanding composers and musicians.

XPERIMENTA Due is our new-philosophy piano library, containing two premium pianos recorded with top-end gear and unique detail.
– 2 beautiful sampled pianos in one library: a C7 Gran Coda and a C3 Half Coda
– 14 Dynamic Layers chromatically sampled
– 16,6GB, 9.500 samples and 1 year of work
– Up to 3 Microphone positions: Close, Player (only C7), Room
– Real Sympatetic Resonance, Overtones and advanced Repedaling simulation
– Shape your sound with “Formant”, “Tone balance” and an integrated envelope.
– 15 noise layers (cotton, leaves, etc.) and 9 instrument layers (choir, kantele, etc.)
– New! “Feeling” simulates the responce of a weighted keyboard
– New! now Due supports Half Pedaling
Every pianist knows that not all the pianos are the same. Each instrument can have a so different touch and color, and sometimes it is important to find the right piano for the right piece.

This is why we sampled two instruments so deeply: we wanted to give to our customers the freedom to choose between two different instruments, recorded both with the same quality.

The art of recording
After endless sessions of testing, we recorded the pianos using only top-end microphones as DPA, Neumann, Gefell, in two beautiful-sounding rooms in Sibelius Academy Studios, Helsinki.

The art of scripting
We simulated the acoustic behaviour of the piano, with a combination of fine sampling of the mechanics (i.e. hammer and pedal noises) and a phisic-modeling philosophy of scripting.

The game of the resonance
We believe that a piano is not just a sum of its sounds: indeed, all the strings “interact” each other when played, in a complex game. We recreated this interaction in two ways:

Overtones: We sampled the “overtones”, that are the harmonic resonances that the strings generate by sympathetic resonance, controlled by a special engine. We also sampled the sound of the strings with the sustain pedal down.

Impulse Response: in collaboration with the Sibelius Academy Music Technology Department, we sampled the impulse response of the strings and the body of the C7.
Formant control
“Formant” allows you to make the sound of the piano “bigger” or “smaller”, by changing the formant of the sound. It can be used both for shaping the sound and for creative purposes. On maximun/minimum values, you can create a slow-down effect (like in the demo) or a chipmonk tune.

Microphone settings
We sampled the pianos with multiple microphone positions.

– “Close”: the microphones are close to the strings, and the sound is modern and clean.

– “Player”: the microphones are in the same position of the player. The sound results incredibly natural and well balanced.

– “Room”: the microphones are far from the piano, so they will capture the reflection of the recording room. The sound is wide and it fits well with classical music.
Expand your possibilities: Due allows you to add a noise or an instrument layer to the sound of the piano. With this feature, is possible to create a felt-like piano (with a cotton layer) or a full sound preset (with a choir layer).

– NOISE LAYERS: Cotton 2, Cotton 2, Cotton Soft, Paper, Sponge, Leaves, String Perc, Key, Metal, Plastic 1, Plastic 2, Warm Plastic, Glass, Bells 1, Bells 2

– INSTRUMENT LAYERS: Bells, Kantele, Piano, Harmonics, Choir, Guitar, Glockenspiel, Vibraphone, E. Guitar
“Oldify” is a collection of effects that allows you to simulate an old recording.

– Tape adds an harmonic distorsion to the sound

– Flutter simulates a fast modulation of the tape

– Wow simulates a slow and random modulation of the tape

– Filter is a band-pass filter: here you can easily simulate crappy speakers, like a phone-call
Convolution Reverb
Choose between 17 convolution reverb, and place your piano where you want!

IR Reverb: Room 1, Room 2, Large Room 1, Large Room 2, Large Room 3, Hall 1, Hall 2, Wood 1, Wood 2, Large Hall, Opera Hall, Parking 1, Parking 2, Church 1, Church 2, Arena, Spring.

Change Log

Ver 1.0
Removed the “Metallic” item in the Layers
Adjusted some samples start
Improvements on CPU performances

Ver 1.1
Fixed a sample issue on Piano One Note: B3 Velocity: 106-112

Ver 1.2
Fixed a sample issue on Piano One Note: D2 Velocity: 106-112
Changed some EQ parameters in First Piano – Close mics
Fixed the default vaules for “XPERIMENTA First Piano”
Little fixes on “XPERIMENTA First Piano (Light)”
Removed G3 samples in First Piano, because the note was harsh, and repleaced with the nearest note.

Ver 1.3
– Fixed “Group Solo” issue

Ver 1.4
– New Layers: String Perc, Key, Metal1. Plastic 1, Plastic 2, Warm Plastic, Glass, Bells 1, Bells 2
– New feature: “Tuned layers” feature
– New Tuned layers: Kantele, Bells, Piano, Guitar, Harmonics, Choir, E. Guitar, Glockenspiel, Vibraphone
– New: Labels on “Settings” and “Mic” pages.
– Fixed a sample issue on First piano: C#3 key, Second Piano: C4
– Fixed lenght of the highest notes
– Better response
– Fixed Standard volume for all the patches
– New Feature: Formants control.
– Improved denoising
– New .nki paths
– Other little fixes

Ver 1.5
– Fixed the delay on the Second Piano Samples
– Fixed all the Second Piano patches
– Fixed some layer samples
– Warmer responce of the First Piano
– A little change of sound of the Second Piano
– New! Feeling option
– New! Ultra light patches
– New! Bonus patches

Ver 1.9
– Fix: Resonances in the 4st octave of the First Piano
– Fix: Noise control in First and Second Piano
– New! now due supports Half-Pedaling
– Sound improved
– New! Now you can purge the release samples
– New! Two type of resonances; Impulse Responce and Samples. NOTE: IR Responce works better in Kontakt 5.

Ver 1.9.2
– Fix: Resonance Knob off by default. Recommended on Kontakt 6.
– New! Soft Pedal support
– Fix: “Flutter” label

Ver 1.9.3
– Fix: no more patch, better latency responce.

Ver 1.9.31
– Fix: the part1 of the .rar was having issues with some unarchiver softwares

Requires the FULL version of NI Kontakt v5.5.1 or higher!


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