[合成器插件]KORG TRITON Extreme v1.1.1 [WiN](560Mb)

20 世纪的最后一部杰作,时隔 20 年重现。在软件中完美再现 TRITON 工作站。

TeamCubeadooby | 08.2024 | 559.2 MB


[合成器套装]KORG Collection 4 v4.0.0 [WiN, MacOSX](4.3Gb)




20 世纪的最后一部杰作,时隔 20 年重现。
在软件中完美再现 TRITON 工作站。

KORG TRITON 系列合成器工作站于 1999 年首次发布,获得了多项赞誉和奖项。世界各地的顶级音乐家都喜欢这种富有表现力的 PCM 声音,并在无数歌曲中使用了 TRITON。

今年,在发布 20 周年之际,KORG TRITON 终于在软件中以 KORG Collection – TRITON / TRITON Extreme 的形式实现。该插件忠实地再现了 HI(超集成)合成系统的每一个细节,并包含大量预设程序中的每一个。重现众多热门歌曲所特有的真正杰作声音。HI

1999 年发布的 TRITON 配备了高品质的 PCM 样本捕捉,采样率为 48kHz,这在当时是非常了不起的。这台怪物机器配备了两种类型的滤波器、五种插入效果、两种主效果和一个主 EQ,以及一种组合模式,允许同时播放最多八个多音色部分。 KORG Collection TRITON 在软件中完全再现了原版 HI(超集成)合成系统,因此您可以体验到塑造 21 世纪的声音。

由原始 TRITON 开发人员监督
对于 KORG Collection 来说,音质就是生命。KORG Collection TRITON 当然再现了原始 PCM 样本和效果电路,同时也再现了硬件独有的微妙声音质感。 为了实现这一点,TRITON 的原始工程师监督了开发过程,对软件进行微调以达到最小的细节。

超过 4,000 个随时可用的声音程序
各种制作人,尤其是 21 世纪的 Hip Hop 和 R&B,都喜欢 TRITON 的声音。 在 TRITON 之前,“可以按原样使用的预设声音”从未完全实现。甚至著名的制作人也保留了预设,以帮助他们一个接一个地制作出高度原创的声音。 KORG Collection TRITON 配备了原始 TRITON 预设程序。 包括所有八个 EXB-PCM 扩展,将程序数量增加到 4,000 多个。 您可以获得大量现成的声音,并且至今仍易于使用。

当您拥有大量预设程序时,您可能会迷失方向,试图找到完美的声音,浪费了您制作音乐的时间。 KORG Collection TRITON 配备了一个易于使用的声音浏览器,可让您按乐器类别和声音特征进行筛选。 这两种类型的标签将立即引导您找到您正在寻找的声音。

EASY 模式可让您即时访问重要参数
KORG Collection TRITON 具有大量参数,可以满足您的最特定需求。当这种控制级别有点过高时,新设计的 EASY 模式可让您在单个页面上塑造声音。您可以快速访问常用参数,如振荡器和效果选择,以及滤波器和 EQ 调整,从而毫不费力地对声音进行粗略编辑和对预设进行微调。307

TRITON 配备内置 16 轨音序器,作为可以单独创作音乐的音乐工作站席卷了音乐界。虽然 KORG Collection TRITON 没有配备音序器,但它配备了与原版相同的强大的双复音琶音器。307 种实用预设,包括旋律、即兴重复段和鼓点,对于歌曲创作非常有用。琶音器可以通过调整 GATE 或 VELOCITY 参数来创建无尽的原始乐句。从简单的想法勾勒到严肃的音乐创作,琶音器是任何音乐家工具箱中的得力工具。

x64:SAL、AAX、VST3、VST2 | x86:JBridge
TRITON Extreme v1.1.1
TRITON v1.4.1


The last masterpiece of the 20th Century, revived after 20 years.
A perfect reproduction of the TRITON workstation in software.
The KORG TRITON series of synthesizer workstations was first released in 1999 to accolades and prestigious awards. Top musicians around the world loved the expressive PCM sound and used their TRITONs on countless songs.

This year, on the 20th anniversary of its release, the KORG TRITON will finally be realized in software as the KORG Collection – TRITON / TRITON Extreme. The plug-in faithfully reproduces the HI (Hyper Integrated) synthesis system down to the smallest details and contains every one of the vast number of preset programs. Reclaim the true masterpiece sound that characterizes so many hit songs.

A complete reproduction of the HI synthesis system
The TRITON released in 1999 came with high-quality PCM samples capture at a sampling rate of 48kHz, which was remarkable at the time. It was a monster machine that came with two types of filters, five insert effects, two master effects, and a master EQ, as well as a combination mode allowing for up to eight of multi-timbral parts to be played simultaneously. The KORG Collection TRITON completely reproduces the original’s HI (Hyper Integrated) synthesis system in software, so you can experience the sounds that shaped the 2000s.

Supervised by original TRITON developers
For the KORG Collection, sound quality is life. The KORG Collection TRITON, of course, reproduces original PCM samples and effect circuits, but also the subtle sound texture unique to the hardware. To achieve this, TRITON’s original engineers supervised the development process to fine tune the software down to the smallest details.

Over 4,000 ready-to-go sound programs
All kinds of producers, especially Hip Hop and R&B in the 2000’s, loved the TRITON’s sounds. “Preset sounds that can be used as is” were never fully realized before the TRITON. Even famous producers kept the presets around to help them make highly original sounds one after another. The KORG Collection TRITON comes with every on of the original TRITON preset programs. All eight of the EXB-PCM expansions are included, boosting the number of programs to over 4,000. You can obtain the vast sounds that are ready to go and easy to use to this day.

Sound browser for quickly searching sounds
When you have vast numbers of preset programs, you might find yourself lost trying to find that perfect sound, wasting time that you could be making music. The KORG Collection TRITON comes with an easy to use sound browser that allows you to filter by musical instrument category and sound character. These two types of tags will lead you to the sound you are looking for instantly.

The EASY mode that gives you instant access to important parameters
The KORG Collection TRITON comes with the characteristic vast number of parameters to meets your most specific needs. For when that level of control is a bit too much, the newly designed EASY mode will allow you to shape your sound on a single page. You can quickly access frequently used parameters like oscillator and effect selections, as well as filters and EQ adjustments, making rough edits of sounds and minor adjustments of presets effortless.

Full of ready-to-go phrases with 307 dual arpeggiators patterns
The TRITON came with a built-in 16-track sequencer and took the music world by storm as a music workstation that could single-handedly create music. Although the KORG Collection TRITON does not come with a sequencer, it does come equipped with the same powerful dual polyphonic arpeggiator as the original. The 307 types of practical presets, including melodies, riffs, and drum patterns, are incredibly useful for songwriting. The arpeggiator can create endless original phrases by adjusting GATE or VELOCITY parameters. From simple idea sketching to serious music creation, the arpeggiator is a handy tool in any musician’s toolbox.

x64: SAL, AAX, VST3, VST2 | x86: JBridgeJust install!
TRITON Extreme v1.1.1
TRITON v1.4.1


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