[世界各地冥想乐器音源]Fracture Sounds Zen Meditations v1.0.1 [KONTAKT](7.89Gb)

P2P | 21 August 2024 | 7.89 GB



包含来自世界各地的各种冥想乐器和声音,Zen: Meditations 是您配乐调色板的完美补充,它能在您的音乐中唤起平静的音调,或使用新的 Layer Blends 引擎营造出超凡脱俗的氛围。

对于这个库,我们追求与冥想行为密切相关的声音,或创造超凡脱俗的氛围和纹理,以唤起精神和平静的感觉。包含调音和未调音的打击乐器、印度古典音乐的乐器以及 24 个鼓舞人心的声音设计层,这个套装中有各种各样的现代和传统声音。基于

多年对以前 Fracture Sounds 目录中的乐器进行采样的经验,Zen 提供了一个全新的视角,为我们的产品目录添加了 9 种以前未开发的乐器。

从这些经验中,我们开发了对乐器的真实诠释、动态性能等独特工具和我们全新的 Layer Blends 引擎 – 让您能够在直观的界面中轻松混合所有氛围层和维持发音。

14 种鼓舞人心的乐器
音色库包含来自不同乐器家族的 14 种鼓舞人心的乐器,它们的捕捉和编程都极为细致。


除了原声乐器外,还有 24 个特别策划的氛围层 – 这些打击垫和纹理旨在与音色库中的各种乐器完美融合。每种调音乐器都加载了三个默认层,这些层最适合该乐器。但是,这些层可以轻松地与音色库中的任何其他氛围层交换,以创建您自己独特的音色。

我们进一步完善了 Zen 的声音设计和样本内容,开发了图层混合引擎,让您可以通过简单易用的界面结合 Zen 中各种氛围层和持续发音。一次最多加载三个声源,并使用调制轮将它们混合。

想要快速生成新组合来寻找灵感?使用随机播放按钮从下拉菜单中的 28 个源中交换任何声音,可以使用八度移位或全局 ADSR 和混响控件进一步修改。


– Handpan –大型倒置钢鼓,可发出共鸣的金属音调。用手和软木槌演奏。



坦普拉坦普拉的形状类似于西塔琴,是一种 4 弦乐器,用于产生具有深沉和暗淡共鸣的嗡嗡声。

塔布拉鼓两种传统的印度鼓。’bhaya’ 鼓更大,音调更低,而 ‘tabla’ 鼓音调更高,具有独特的共鸣。两种鼓都采用不同的手工技术采样,并使用直观的演奏引擎进行编程。








音叉产生清晰基频的金属共振器被组合成一个样品乐器,可产生非常纯净的 Celeste 类音调。

竹风铃木制风铃。这些风铃包含各种演奏乐句和多采样 1-shot,可用作打击乐器,或用作纹理工具来创造流水的效果。Fracture

Sounds 团队是一群作曲家,因此,我们在设计每个库时都将可玩性和可用性放在首位。我们与作曲家 Jay Witsey 合作,在 Zen 中录制印度乐器的微妙之处和细微差别。为了实现真正的真实感,西塔琴包括切换到不同音高弯曲装饰的键,Tanpura 可以自然和无限地持续,而 Tabla 已编程为语音静音,这会抑制每个特定鼓上演奏的上一个音符。
一些在 2023 年 9 月停产的产品将在 Zen: Meditations 中回归。Tank Drum(以前称为 Zen Drum)、Bowed Crotales 和 Bowed Vibes(以前称为 Frozen Crotales 和 Frozen Vibes)已在新界面中进行了改进和更新。这些乐器不仅焕然一新,而且现在还可以在免费的 Kontakt Player 中使用。

虽然我们之前的目录中有 Singing Bowl 和 Water Glass 库,但 Zen 中包含的 Wine Glasses 和 Tibetan Bowl 是全新的录音,不包含任何遗留材料。


– 新的 Layer Blends 引擎提供数百种混合选项,包括 Atmosphere Layers 和 Sustains
– 来自世界各地的各种冥想声音
– 14 种深度采样的原声乐器
– 24 种定制的 Atmosphere Layers
– 高度直观的编程,注重可玩性
– 完全 NKS 支持 – 可与 Komplete Kontrol 硬件配合使用。
– 8.5GB 下载大小(NCW 从 10GB 样本池压缩而来)

需要 Native Instruments Kontakt Player 或 Kontakt FULL v6.7 及更高版本!


Containing a range of meditative instruments and sounds from around the world, Zen: Meditations is the perfect addition to your scoring palette, evoking calming tones in your music, or conjuring other-worldly atmospheres using the new Layer Blends engine.

About The Collection
For this library, we pursued sounds closely related to the act of meditation or the creation of other-worldly ambiences and textures that invoke feelings of spiritualism and calm. Containing tuned and untuned percussion, instruments from Indian classical music, alongside 24 inspiring sound-design layers, there is a great variety of contemporary and conventional sounds as part of this package.

Building on years of sampling experience from instruments previously in the Fracture Sounds catalogue, Zen provides a fresh perspective, adding 9 previously unexplored instruments to our product catalogue.

From this experience, we have developed realistic interpretations of the instruments, unique tools such as Dynamic Performance and our brand-new Layer Blends engine- allowing you to easily blend all of the Atmosphere Layers and sustain articulations in an intuitive interface.

14 inspiring instruments
The library contains 14 inspiring instruments from a range of instrument families, captured and programmed with meticulous attention to detail.

Whilst some instruments may look simple on the surface, we have deployed advanced performance scripts behind the scenes allowing for responsive and expressive playing. For example, the performance engine for our bowed metal instruments replicates the slow changes in dynamics, characteristic of the real instruments.

Alongside the acoustic instruments are 24 specially curated Atmosphere Layers – pads and textures which have been designed to blend perfectly with the range of instruments available in the library. Each tuned instrument is loaded with three default layers that are best suited to the instrument in question. However, these can be easily swapped out with any other Atmosphere Layer in the library to create your own unique sound palette.

A new way to blend sounds
Taking the sound design and sample content of Zen even further, we have developed the Layer Blends engine, allowing you to combine the entire range of atmosphere layers and sustained articulations across Zen in a simple-to-use interface. Load up to three sound sources at a time and blend between them using the mod wheel.

Want to quickly generate new combinations to find inspiration? Use the Shuffle button to swap out any of the sounds from the 28 sources in the dropdown menu, which can be further modified with an octave shift or the global ADSR and Reverb controls.

The library contains the following acoustic instruments:

– Handpan – A large, inverted steel pan drum that produces a resonant metallic tone. Played with hands and soft mallets.

– Tank Drum – A smaller rounded steel drum that produces a brighter tone. Played with hands and soft mallets, in both muted and unmuted variants. This instrument has been intricately sampled with an advanced sympathetic resonance engine, which allows the tonal centre of the instrument to be set to any key.

– Sitar – An Indian plucked string instrument with resonating strings, containing normal sustained notes, ornamentations (bends), and glissandi.

– Tanpura – Resembling the shape of a Sitar, the Tanpura is a 4 stringed instrument used to create drones that have a deep and dark resonance.

– Tabla – Two traditional Indian drums. The ‘bhaya’ drum is larger and deeper in pitch, whilst the ‘tabla’ drum is higher pitched and has a distinctive resonance. Both drums were sampled with different hand techniques and programmed with an intuitive performance engine.

– Wine Glasses – By rubbing the rims of crystal glasses with water, this patch produces a sustained sound similar to a Glass Harmonica. Finger and mallet hits add short variants to the articulation options.

– Tibetan Bowl – A traditional, large Signing Bowl that has a dark metallic timbre played with options for soft and hard hits, sustains, and a rust layer to add more scraping noises for added realism.

– Tuned Gongs – An array of Tibetan gongs, suspended horizontally with a distinctive spiritual tonality, sampled with soft and hard mallet hits.

– Bowed Vibes – An orchestral vibraphone bowed with a cello bow to create ambient and mellow, sustained metallic textures.

– Bowed Crotales – Similar to the timbre of Bowed Vibraphone, the Crotales offer a brighter and higher-pitched metallic sound.

– Meditation Chimes – A set of cylindrical bells performed with a hard mallet.

– Tingsha Bells – A small set of bells used in ritual meditation that have a clear, metallic timbre.

– Tuning Forks – Metallic resonators that produce a clear fundamental frequency are combined into one sample instrument that produces a very pure Celeste-like tone.

– Bamboo Chimes – Wooden windchimes. With a variety of performed phrases and multisampled 1-shots included, these chimes can be used as a percussion instrument, or as a textural tool to create the effect of flowing water.

The team at Fracture Sounds are a group of composers, and as such, we design every library with playability and usability at the forefront. We worked with composer Jay Witsey to record the subtleties and nuances of the Indian instruments within Zen. For true realism, the Sitar includes keyswitching to different pitch bending ornaments, the Tanpura can both sustain naturally and infinitely, and the Tabla has been programmed with voice muting, which damps the previous note played on each specific drum.
Some products that were discontinued in September 2023 return in Zen: Meditations. The Tank Drum (previously Zen Drum), Bowed Crotales and Bowed Vibes (previously Frozen Crotales and Frozen Vibes) have been polished and updated in the new interface. Not only have these instruments been refreshed and revitalised, but they are now available in the free Kontakt Player.

Whilst we previously had Singing Bowl and Water Glass libraries in our catalogue, the Wine Glasses and Tibetan Bowl included in Zen are brand-new recordings and do not contain any legacy material.


– The new Layer Blends engine offers hundreds of blending options with Atmosphere Layers and Sustains
– A wide array of meditative sounds from across the world
– 14 deep-sampled acoustic instruments
– 24 bespoke Atmosphere Layers
– Highly intuitive programming with a focus on playability
– Full NKS support – works with Komplete Kontrol hardware.
– 8.5GB download size (NCW compressed from a 10GB sample pool)

Requires Native Instruments Kontakt Player or Kontakt FULL v6.7 and higher!


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