[影视预告太鼓音源]Fallout Music Group Hybrid Studio Taiko [KONTAKT](757Mb)

P2P | 22 August 2024 | 757 MB



Hybrid Studio Taiko 为经典乐器提供了一种全新的演奏方式。太鼓长期以来一直是电影配乐和预告片的一部分,其音色丰富,风格史诗般。


我们与两位全球太鼓专家合作:Isaku Kageyama 和 Rannoch Purcell(Taiko Zentrum Deutschland)。我们录制了 30 英寸、18 英寸、16 英寸、Bachi、Chappas 和 Atarigane 的定制合奏,然后还录制了多个独奏鼓,包括 3 个 30 英寸 Odaiko、2 个 18 英寸 Chudaiko、2 个 16 英寸 Chudaiko、1 个 10 英寸原型和 1 个 Shimedaiko。大多数鼓都以中心击打、偏心击打和边击录制,并带有 10 个循环和 4 个力度层。这为您带来极致逼真的演奏。

为了进一步深入以动作为中心的兔子洞,我们提取了每个样本并创建了混合版本,并使用合成器和失真层来提供额外的沙砾和冲击力。该界面可以根据您的需要将普通 Studio 录音与 Hybrid 样本混合,让您完全控制塑造声音。Hybrid

Studio Taiko (HST) 提供 4 种 Kontakt (6.7+) 乐器,可在 Free Kontakt 播放器上使用。它也是完全 NKS兼容,让您可以通过 NKS 兼容键盘完全控制所有参数。

– 4 种 Kontakt 乐器:1 套完整的鼓,映射范围超过 3 个八度,2 个低音合奏双映射,相隔 2 个八度,高音合奏双映射,相隔 2 个八度,独奏双映射,相隔 3 个八度
– 近 3,000 个独特的录音室和混合样本
– 8 个自定义合奏和 9 个不同的独奏鼓
– 大多数鼓上有 10 个循环和 4 个力度层(至少 6 个循环)
– 为录音室和混合样本提供独立的音量、静音、攻击、释放、饱和度和均衡器控制
– 全局高通和低通滤波器、板式混响和大厅混响控制
– 全局“wreck”旋钮,可提供额外的功率、沙砾和压缩-
所有源均以 24 位、48k 质量录制

需要 NI Kontakt Player 或 Kontakt FULL v6.7 或更高版本!


Hybrid Studio Taiko provides a fresh approach on a classic instrument. Taiko have long been part of movie soundtracks and trailers, with their wide ranging sounds and epic nature.

We wanted to focus on the Taiko in a very action-oriented way, giving you the amazing sound of taiko, but in a close, tight, and impactful way without the typical boomy, long tails you find in most Taiko libraries.

We teamed up with two worldwide taiko experts: Isaku Kageyama and Rannoch Purcell (Taiko Zentrum Deutschland). We recorded custom ensembles of 30″, 18″, 16″, Bachi, Chappas, and Atarigane, then recorded multiple solo drums as well, including 3 30″ Odaiko, 2 18″ Chudaiko, 2 16″ Chudaiko, 1 10″ prototype, and 1 Shimedaiko. Most of these drums are recorded with center hits, off-center hits, and rim shots with 10 round robins and 4 velocity layers. This gives you the ultimate realistic performance.

To dive further down the action-focused rabbit hole, we took every sample and created hybridized versions as well, with synth and distorted layers to give extra grit and punch. The interface offers the ability to blend the normal Studio recordings with the Hybrid samples as you see fit, giving you complete control to shape your sound.

Hybrid Studio Taiko (HST) provides 4 Kontakt (6.7+) instruments and is available for use on the Free Kontakt player. It is also fully NKS compatible, giving you total control over all the parameters via your NKS compatible keyboard.

– 4 Kontakt instruments: 1 Full set of all drums mapped across more than 3 octaves, 2 Low Ensembles double mapped 2 octaves apart, High ensembles double mapped 2 octaves apart and Solos double mapped 3 octaves apart
– Nearly 3,000 unique studio and hybrid samples
– 8 custom ensembles and 9 different solo drums
– 10 round robins and 4 velocity layers on most drums (6 round robin minimum)
– Separate volume, mute, attack, release, saturation and EQ controls for the Studio and Hybrid samples
– Global high and low pass filters, plate reverb and hall reverb controls
– Global “wreck” knob for extra power, grit and compression
– All sources recorded at 24bit, 48k quality
– Full NKS compatibility and built to run in the Free Kontakt player or paid version of Kontakt

Requires NI Kontakt Player or Kontakt FULL v6.7 or later!


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