Cockos REAPER v7.20 UB [MacOSX](27.6MB)

详细介绍 安装方法

Team BTCR | 23 August 2024 | 27.6 MB


REAPER 是一个数字音频工作站。它是一个完整的多轨音频和 MIDI 录制、编辑、处理、混音和母带制作环境。使用您当前的计算机,无需其他软件,您就可以导入任何音频和 MIDI、合成、采样、创作、编曲、编辑、混音和母带制作歌曲或任何其他音频项目。


没有轨道类型、总线、工具或离线处理。如果您想创建鼓总线,只需在鼓轨道上方添加一个轨道,然后按文件夹按钮。鼓会自动发送到文件夹。一旦您将鼓声级别和 FX 调整到您想要的位置,您就可以录制文件夹的输出以非破坏性地冻结鼓声并继续前进。


– 便携 – 支持从 USB 密钥或其他可移动媒体运行
– 64 位音频引擎
– 出色的低延迟性能
– 支持多处理器
– 直接多轨录音为多种格式,包括 WAV/BWF/W64、AIFF、WavPack、FLAC、OGG 和 MIDI。
– 极其灵活的路由
– 快速、免工具编辑
– 支持各种硬件(几乎任何音频接口、外置硬件、许多控制界面)
– 支持 VST、VSTi、DX、DXi 效果
– ReaPlugs:高品质 64 位效果套件
– 严格编码 – 安装程序仅 2MB 多一点


– 免工具鼠标界面 – 减少点击时间
– 拖放文件即可立即导入项目
– 支持在每个轨道上混合任何文件类型/采样率/位深度组合
– 轻松拆分、移动和调整项目大小
– 每个项目都可以轻松操纵淡入淡出和音量
– Tab 到瞬态支持
– 可配置和编辑重叠项目的自动交叉淡入淡出
– 每个项目的音高变化和时间拉伸
– 任意项目分组
– 标记和包络可以与编辑操作逻辑同步移动
– 波纹编辑 – 移动/删除项目可以选择影响后面的项目
– 每个项目有多个节奏和拍号
– 能够通过区域定义和编辑项目
– 自动化信封


REAPER is a digital audio workstation. It is a complete multitrack audio and MIDI recording, editing, processing, mixing, and mastering environment. Using your current computer and no other software, you can import any audio and MIDI, synthesize, sample, compose, arrange, edit, mix, and master songs or any other audio projects.

If you add a hardware audio interface of your choice (AD/DA: analog-to-digital/ digital-to-analog) and a microphone, you have a complete recording studio. It is suitable for recording anything from a soloist to a band to an orchestra.
REAPER converts your computer into the full power of any top-of-the-line recording studio. It will support almost any existing audio interface. Even interfaces manufactured by companies whose software does not allow you to use any other hardware interface.

REAPER doesn’t have track types, busses, tools, or offline processing. If you want to create a drum bus, simply add a track above the drum tracks and press the folder button. The drums will automatically send to the folder. Once you get the drum levels and FX tweaked right where you want them, you can record the folder’s output to non-destructively freeze the drums and move on.

Basic features:

– Portable – supports running from USB keys or other removable media
– 64 bit audio engine
– Excellent low-latency performance
– Multiprocessor capable
– Direct multi-track recording to many formats including WAV/BWF/W64, AIFF, WavPack, FLAC, OGG, and MIDI.
– Extremely flexible routing
– Fast, tool-less editing
– Supports a wide range of hardware (nearly any audio interface, outboard hardware, many control surfaces)
– Support for VST, VSTi, DX, DXi effects
– ReaPlugs: high quality 64 bit effect suite
– Tightly coded – installer is just over 2MB

Editing features:

– Tool-less mouse interface — spend less time clicking
– Drag and drop files to instantly import them into a project
– Support for mixing any combination of file type/samplerate/bit depth on each track
– Easily split, move, and resize items
– Each item has easily manipulated fades and volume
– Tab to transient support
– Configurable and editable automatic crossfading of overlapping items
– Per-item pitch shift and time stretch
– Arbitrary item grouping
– Markers and envelopes can be moved in logical sync with editing operations
– Ripple editing – moving/deletion of items can optionally affect later items
– Multiple tempos and time signatures per project
– Ability to define and edit project via regions
– Automation envelopes

🏠 HomePage


1. 安装 DMG 并将 REAPER 安装到 /Applications 文件夹。

如果您有 Intel Mac,尽情享受吧!无需进一步步骤。

Apple Silicon 用户请继续阅读。

2. 从已安装的 DMG 中,双击 SignCrack.command 以启动代码签名过程
您应该会看到一个终端窗口出现,一旦该过程完成 - 确认 满足其指定要求。

3. 第一次运行 REAPER 时,您可能需要从应用程序文件夹运行它并按住 CTRL + 右键单击​​ -> 打开。


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