[最好的记谱软件]Presonus Notion v6.8.18060 [WiN](145Mb)

P2P | 20 October 2020 | 145 MB


通过速度极快且直观的 Notion™ 6 音乐创作和演奏环境将音乐灵感带入生活。您可以随时随地创作,甚至用自己的笔迹输入音乐。通过与 Studio One® 的深度集成将项目提升到新的水平。聆听和演奏伦敦交响乐团等乐团的华丽样本音乐。从完整的电影编曲到简单的主旋律和吉他谱,以比以往更快的速度提供精美的乐谱。

无论您是乐器演奏者、词曲作者、作曲家、编曲者、音乐教育家还是学生,您都会发现 Notion 6 是当今市场上最易于使用、音质最好的记谱软件。Notion 6:重新定义音乐符号。Notion

6 中的新功能:
Notion 6 中的新功能和增强功能代表了 Notion 用户社区最受欢迎的请求以及希望转换的其他记谱平台用户的反馈。

显著的改进包括:跨平台手写识别;新的布局控制和专业乐谱输出功能;拖动以重新调整小节和系统的空间;来自 Soundiron 的新乐器;新的视频窗口控件,可更快地将乐谱转换为画面;新的 Notion 乐谱库,包含 100 多部优秀作品;更新的音乐 XML 支持,可与其他应用程序无缝传输;MP3 导出;通过 ReWire 实现 MIDI,可与领先的数字音频工作站更好地集成;以及与同一台计算机上或同一网络上的多台计算机之间的 Studio One Artist 或 Professional 前所未有的并行工作流程集成。

为您提供迄今为止任何开箱即用的乐谱产品的最佳回放,包括伦敦交响乐团在传奇的 Abbey Road Studios 录制的无与伦比的管弦乐和 Steinway 样本的真实感、Neil Zaza 演奏的吉他样本、Victor Wooten 的贝斯样本以及 Roy“Futureman”Wooten 的鼓样本。所有这些都是由顶级工程师使用最好的设备精心录制的。您将获得广泛的动态、清晰度和演奏技巧。版本 6 中的新乐器包括 Notion 大键琴以及来自我们的朋友 Soundiron 的 Lakeside 管风琴和 Olympus Micro Choir 音效。但这只是 Notion 播放功能的开始。

使用 Notion 6 的交互式指板、键盘和鼓垫轻松输入音符。这是捕捉音高、鼓声部和吉他指法的最快、最方便的方式。您甚至可以自定义指板上的吉他弦数和鼓垫上每个声音的输入顺序。可以直接输入歌词,也可以从任何数字源粘贴歌词。想亲手制作您的乐谱吗?Notion 6 新的 Powered by MyScript™ 手写识别功能(适用于 Mac、Windows 和 iOS)可让您直接在乐谱中书写,自动将您的输入转换为数字符号。


捕获 MIDI 部分并使用您的乐谱进行编辑。
在 Notion 中,录制 MIDI 演奏和编辑 MIDI 数据非常简单。同时查看 MIDI 和标准符号使体验独特而直观。选择键盘、吉他或鼓输入,并精确拨入 Notion 将如何跟踪您的演奏。实时或分步输入,然后在 Notion 的 Sequencer Staff 中查看您的 MIDI 性能数据。

更好的是,使用 Sequencer Overlay,它允许您在同一谱表上查看符号和 MIDI 性能数据。使用拖放功能,编辑每个音符的速度、持续时间、起点和终点。要获得精确的值,请双击每个音符并直接自定义音符的数值。Notion 以独特而强大的方式将 MIDI 排序的强大功能与标准符号的清晰度结合在一起。

如果您根据图片作曲,Notion 6 就是您的新朋友。
电影、视频和电视作曲家有特殊的需求,只需从同步视频窗口开始。 Notion 的视频窗口包含时间码视图,您可以添加命中点并选择音量、帧速率和开始时间。传输按钮可让您通过精细的帧控制从视频窗口控制乐谱。与其他配乐软件不同,Notion 可以处理所有最重要的现代视频文件格式,包括 Mac 和 Windows 上的 MP4、WMV(仅限 Windows)、H.264、MPEG、MOV、AVI、M4V 和 4GP。此外,Notion 是唯一一款在 64 位 Windows 上原生处理视频的主流配乐程序。

​ 不要只播放音乐:还要演奏。Notion
可让您按照节拍器标记播放乐谱,但您也可以现场演奏乐谱,连续控制节奏和速度。跳入和退出重复、即兴小节、淡入淡出,并通过计算机键盘或 MIDI 控制器进行实时导航。

PreSonus 通过 StudioLive® 数字混音器改变了现场声音。我们通过 Studio One 数字音频工作站改变了制作世界。您可能不希望普通的制谱软件中出现高级混音功能,但 Notion 6 远非普通。

通过内置软件混音器获得最多 8 个立体声总线的真正专业混音。导入音频文件与您的乐谱混音或从中转录。通过八种效果插件处理您的声音,这些插件包括混响、吉他放大器模拟器以及来自 PreSonus Studio One DAW 的 EQ、压缩器和限制器插件。您还可以使用自己喜欢的 VST。是的,Notion 是一个专业的制谱程序——但它显然远不止于此!

​​ 严肃的工作室集成。
虽然 Notion 的混音功能超越了所有其他制谱软件,但您可以通过 ReWire 上卓越的实时音频/MIDI 流将 Notion 连接到领先的 DAW,将作曲提升到一个新的水平。或者通过将 Notion 6 与 Studio One 3(或更新版本)配对来创建音乐制作强国,您现在可以直接在应用程序之间发送音频、音符、音轨、VST 和乐谱数据。Notion 6 和 Studio One 之间的工作流程是前所未有的,因为两个应用程序可以在同一台计算机或同一网络上的任何计算机上并行运行。

虽然许多 Notion 布局和符号选择都是自动进行的,因此您可以专注于创作音乐,但有时您需要微调乐谱的外观以便于阅读和获得专业的外观。Notion 6 提供了新的布局手柄,可让您拖动音符、小节线、拍号等,同时避免意外重新调整间距。按系统独立显示和隐藏部分并显示/隐藏休止符,以最大限度地减少空间浪费并最大限度地提高可读性。甚至可以在页面上上下拖动整个系统来调整间距;当您放手时,Notion 会重新调整布局。

Bring musical inspirations to life with the blazingly fast and intuitive Notion™ 6 music composition and performance environment. Compose when and how you want and even enter music with your own handwriting. Take projects to the next level with deep integration with Studio One®. Hear and perform music with gorgeous samples by the London Symphony Orchestra and others. Deliver polished scores faster than ever before, from complete film orchestrations to simple lead sheets and guitar tab.

Whether you are an instrumentalist, songwriter, composer, arranger, music educator, or student, you’ll find Notion 6 to be the easiest-to-use and best-sounding notation software on the market today. Notion 6: Redefining music notation.

New in Notion 6:
The new features and enhancements in Notion 6 represent the most popular requests from the Notion user community and feedback from users of other notation platforms who are looking to make the switch.

Notable improvements include: cross-platform handwriting recognition; new layout control and features for professional score output; drag to respace measures and systems; new instruments from Soundiron; new video window controls for faster scoring to picture; the new Notion Scores library, with over 100 great works; updated Music XML support for seamless transfer with other apps; MP3 export; MIDI over ReWire for improved integration with leading digital audio workstations; and unprecedented side-by-side workflow integration with Studio One Artist or Professional on the same computer or between multiple computers on the same network.

Hear your music played by world-class musicians.
Notion gives you by far the best playback of any notation product out of the box, including the unmatched realism of orchestral and Steinway samples recorded by the London Symphony Orchestra at the legendary Abbey Road Studios, guitar samples performed by Neil Zaza, bass samples by Victor Wooten, and drum samples by Roy “Futureman” Wooten. All were painstakingly recorded by top engineers using the best equipment. You get a wide array of dynamics, articulations, and performance techniques. New instruments in version 6 include the Notion Harpsichord along with the Lakeside Pipe Organ and Olympus Micro Choir sounds from our friends at Soundiron. But that’s just the beginning of Notion’s playback features.

Interactive tools make entry fast and intuitive.
Enter notes with ease using Notion 6’s interactive fretboard, keyboard, and drum pad. It’s the fastest and most convenient way to capture pitches, drum parts, and guitar fingerings. You can even customize the number of guitar strings on the fretboard and the order of entry for each voice for the drum pad. Lyrics can be entered in directly or pasted from any digital source. Want to get your hands on your score? Notion 6’s new Powered by MyScript™ handwriting-recognition feature for Mac, Windows, and iOS lets you write directly into the score, automatically converting your input into digital notation.

Choose chords from a generous chord library and create your own chords. It’s simple to enter the chord name or voicing you want to appear in your score. Choose from standard chord symbols and fretted chord symbols and design custom chord symbols and diagrams. Chords remain on the fretboard for repeated entry, and the software can recall recently used chords. Chord symbols can be attached anywhere over empty measures, meaning lead sheets can be created in no time!

Capture MIDI parts and edit them with your score.
Recording MIDI performances and editing MIDI data is easy in Notion. Viewing MIDI and standard notation together makes the experience unique and intuitive. Choose keyboard, guitar, or drum entry, and dial in exactly how Notion will follow your playing. Enter in real time or in step time, then view your MIDI performance data in Notion’s Sequencer Staff.

Better yet, use the Sequencer Overlay, which allows you to see notation and MIDI performance data on the same staff. Using drag-and-drop, edit each individual note’s velocity, duration, start point, and end point. For precise values, double-click each note and customize the note’s numeric values directly. Notion combines the power of MIDI sequencing with the clarity of standard notation in a unique and powerful way.

If you compose to picture, Notion 6 is your new best friend.
Film, video, and TV composers have specialized needs that just start with a synchronized video window. Notion’s video window includes a timecode view, and you can add hit points and select the volume, frame rate, and start time. Transport buttons let you control your score from the video window with fine frame control. Unlike other scoring software, Notion can handle all of the most important modern video file formats, including MP4, WMV (Windows only), H.264, MPEG, MOV, AVI, M4V, and 4GP on Mac and Windows. And Notion is the only major scoring program that handles video natively on 64-bit Windows.​

Don’t just play your music: perform it, too.
Notion lets you play back a score following metronome marks, but you can also perform your scores live, continuously controlling tempo and velocity. Jump in and out of repeats, vamp measures, fade in and out, and navigate live from your computer keyboard or a MIDI controller.

Powerful Mix Engine by the folks Who Defined Digital Mixing
PreSonus changed live sound with our StudioLive® digital mixers. We turned the production world on its ears with our Studio One digital audio workstation. While you might not expect advanced mixing capabilities to appear in ordinary notation software, Notion 6 is far from ordinary.

Get truly professional mixes with up to eight stereo buses through the built-in software mixer. Import an audio file to mix with your score or to transcribe from. Process your sounds through eight effects inserts with reverb, guitar-amp simulator, and EQ, compressor, and limiter plug-ins drawn from PreSonus’ Studio One DAW. You can also use your favorite VSTs. Yes, Notion is a professional notation program—but it’s clearly much more!​​

Serious studio integration.
While Notion exceeds all other notation software with its mix capabilities, you can take compositions to the next level by connecting Notion to a leading DAW through superior realtime audio/MIDI streaming over ReWire. Or create a music production powerhouse by pairing Notion 6 with Studio One 3 (or newer), where you can now send audio, note, track, VST and score data directly between the applications. The workflow between Notion 6 and Studio One is unprecedented, as both applications can run side by side on the same computer or on any computers on the same network.

Deliver professional scores and polished performances.
While many Notion layout and notation choices are made automatically so you can focus on creating music, sometimes you need to fine-tune your score’s appearance for easy reading and a professional look. Notion 6 provides new layout handles that let you drag notes, measure lines, time signatures, and more, while avoiding accidental respacing. Show and hide parts independently by system and show/hide resting staves for minimal wasted space and maximum readability. Even drag entire systems up and down on the page to adjust the spacing; when you let go, Notion rejustifies the layout.

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