[管风琴音源]Soundiron Alpha Organ v2 [KONTAKT](17.77Gb)

KONTAKT – 17,77 GB



Alpha Organ 收录了一对精美采样的管风琴,分别在加利福尼亚州旧金山的圣保罗教堂单独录制和一起录制。每个管风琴都与其他管风琴形成鲜明的对比,当两者同时齐声演奏时,声音非常美妙。我们单独或一起捕捉了这两种乐器,并具有多种麦克风类型和位置,为您提供各种美学选择。

由密苏里州圣路易斯的 Kilgen Church 管风琴公司建造的“下部”管风琴最初是水力的,但后来被转换为电动鼓风机驱动系统。控制台位于靠近侧门的南岛,它的管道隐藏在祭坛后面,鼓风机和机械位于 Apse 的地板下,让最低的踏板音符在地板上共鸣,似乎动摇了根基。

上部风琴更大、更精致,是由旧金山的Felix F. Shoenstein & Sons风琴公司制造的。它高高地排列在闸门和 Narthex 上方,位于两座钟楼之间的夹层中。第一个管风琴 – 我们的 “Alpha” 管风琴 – 音色甜美而丝滑,而第二个 – 我们的 “Omega” 管风琴 – 在身体和能量上是雷鸣般的、强大的,拥有更强大的鼓风机、更大的控制台和更多的管道。

我们认为这个空间具有非凡的声学特性,近乎神秘。每次我们在那里录音时,我们都会经历一波又一波奇怪的同步性。整个大厅似乎都在歌唱,仿佛是一种伟大的活生生的乐器。为了纪念这个空间似乎唤起的高度陌生感,我们丰富了这个库,提供了非常广泛的声音设计环境、主音、打击垫、无人机和自定义效果预设,深入研究了心理声学和形而上学美学。这座教堂是由自己的 perishoners 历时二十年建造的,从 1897 年开始,因 1906 年旧金山地震而推迟,最终于 1911 年完工,使用从废墟城市本身打捞的石头。它具有郁郁葱葱的质感,充满了宽敞的通风和晶莹剔透的透明度,没有一丝浑浊或过度饱和。这个混响厅是我们最喜欢的录音地点之一,是我们备受赞誉的安魂曲轻柔交响合唱团、Native Instruments 交响乐系列铜管合奏和独奏合集以及许多其他经典 Soundiron 库的所在地。


我们在用户界面中加入了强大的声音塑造控件,为您提供了完全的灵活性。所有预设都包含音量膨胀、起音和释音时间、采样开始偏移、颤音和声音库选择的控件。主预设还具有麦克风混音器和八度效果。Layered 预设包括 4 个独立的声音图层,每个图层都有一整套可以链接、自动化和自定义的参数。前三层是近 (Mic 1)、中 (Mic 2) 和远 (Mic 3) 麦克风位置。第四个图层是 Ambiences 图层。我们使用了各种声音设计技巧,将旅程中的声音变形为 30 种不同的音调和不和谐的打击垫、合成器音调和环境梦境。它们可以单独播放,也可以用于为主要声音添加纹理和主体。

在高级设置下拉窗口中,你还会找到一个适应性强的每层 LFO 系统,其中包含可选择的 LFO 形状、调制目标参数、速度、强度、速度同步和淡入时间。你还可以应用你选择的 13 个低通、高通和 FX 滤波器,以及可分配的调制目标,例如力度、调制轮、表情、触后、键位和步进音序器表控制。我们可定制的琶音器具有内置的力度音序器表,可以控制 arp 方向、音符时间、摇摆、随机化和持续时间。内置的模块化 FX 机架窗口提供 27 个不同的 DSP 效果模块,您可以按照自己的任何顺序在 8 个可用插槽中的任何一个分配。您会发现经典的相位、镶边、延迟、失真、放大器和箱体模拟器、压缩器、均衡器、旋转器等等。Reverb 效果器包括 99 个我们自己的卷积混响脉冲预设。我们捕捉了各种不同的房间、大厅、房间和户外环境,以及 139 种独特、奇特和富有创意的特效脉冲,以彻底改变声音并打开音乐可能性的全新世界。


– 产品版本 2.0
– 两个深度采样管风琴,具有三个麦克风位置:近、中、远
– Alpha 风琴 12 个音栓,Omega 风琴 20 个音栓,Unity 风琴 3 个音栓,踏板音色 + SFX
– 16,671 个样本
– 安装了 17.7 GB(29 GB wav 源)
– 24 位,48 kHz 立体声无损 NCW 格式
– 具有专业功能的灵活直观的用户界面, 深度可定制性和简单的工作流程
– 专为免费的 Kontakt Player(版本 6.2.2+)、Komplete Kontrol、所有 S 系列键盘以及 Native Instruments
的 NKS 软件和硬件而设计– 可与 Kontakt “Libraries” 浏览器和 Native Access 配合使用

此库需要 NI Kontakt Player 或 Kontakt FULL v6.2.2 或更高版本!


Alpha Organ features a beautifully sampled pair of pipe organs recorded individually and together at St. Paul’s Church in San Francisco, CA. Each organ offers a distinct contrast to the other and when the two are played simultaneously in unison, the sound is glorious. We’ve captured both instruments individually and together in unison, with multiple microphone types and positions to offer you a variety of aesthetic options.

The “lower” organ, built by Kilgen Church Organ Company of Saint Louis, MO, was originally water-powered, but has since been converted to an electric blower-driven system. The console is in the south isle near the side entrance and its pipes are hidden behind the altar with the blower and machinery under the floor of the Apse, allowing the lowest pedal notes to resonate through the floor, seeming to shake the very foundation.

The upper organ, far larger and more elaborate, was built by the Felix F. Shoenstein & Sons Organ company of San Francisco. It is arrayed high above the portcullis and Narthex in a mezzanine between the two bell towers. Where the first organ – our “Alpha” Organ – is sweet and silky in its tone, the second – our “Omega” Organ – is thunderous and mighty in its body and energy, with a more powerful blower, larger console and many more pipes.

We feel that this space has extraordinary acoustic properties bordering on the mystical. Each time we’ve recorded there, we’ve experienced waves of strange synchronicities. The entire hall seems to sing as if one great living instrument. To honor the high strangeness that the space seems to evoke, we’ve enriched this library with a very wide selection of sound designed ambiences, leads, pads, drones and custom effect presets, delving deeply into psychoacoustic and metaphysical aesthetics. The church was built by its own perishoners over a period of two decades, starting in 1897, delayed by the 1906 San Francisco earthquake and finally completed in 1911, using stone salvaged from the ruined city itself. It has a lush, pristine quality full of spacious airiness and crystal clarity, without a hint of cloudiness or oversaturation. This reverberant hall is one of our very favorite recording locations, home to our acclaimed Requiem Light Symphonic Choir, the Native Instruments Symphony Series Brass Ensemble and Solo collections and many other classic Soundiron libraries.


We’ve packed the user interface with powerful sound-shaping controls to give you complete flexibility. Controls for volume swell, attack and release time, sample start offset, vibrato, and sound bank selection are included in all presets. The main preset also features a microphone mixer and an octave effect. The Layered preset includes 4 independent sound layers, each with a full set of parameters that can be linked, automated and customized. The first three layers are the Close (Mic 1), Mid (Mic 2) and Far (Mic 3) microphone positions. The fourth layer is the Ambiences layer. We used various sound-design tricks to morph the sounds from our journey into 30 different tonal and dissonant pads, synth-tones and ambient dreamscapes. They can be played by themselves, or used to add texture and body to the primary sounds.

In the advanced settings pull-down window, you’ll also find an adaptable per-layer LFO system, with selectable LFO shape, modulation target parameter, speed, intensity, tempo-syncing and fade-in time. You can also apply your choice of 13 lowpass, high-pass and FX filters, with assignable modulation targets such as velocity, mod-wheel, expression, after-touch, key position and step-sequencer table control. Our customizable arpeggiator features a built-in velocity sequencer table and control over arp direction, note timing, swing, randomization and duration. The built-in modular FX rack window offers 27 different DSP effect modules that you can assign in any of 8 available slots, in any order that you wish. You’ll find classic phase, flanger, delay, distortion, amp and cab simulators, compressors, EQ, rotator and so much more. The Reverb effect includes 99 of our own convolution reverb impulse presets. We’ve captured a huge variety of different rooms, halls, chambers and outdoor environments, along with 139 unique, strange and creative special effect impulses to completely transform the sound and open up whole new worlds of musical possibility.

Product Specs

– Product Version 2.0
– Two deeply sampled pipe organs with three microphone positions: Close, Mid, Far
– 12 stops in Alpha organ, 20 stops in Omega organ, 3 stops in Unity organ, Pedal tones + SFX
– 16,671 Samples
– 17.7 GB installed (29 GB wav source)
– 24-bit, 48 kHz Stereo Lossless NCW Format
– Flexible and intuitive user interface with pro features, deep customizability and simple workflow
– Made for the free Kontakt Player (version 6.2.2+), Komplete Kontrol, all S-Series Keyboards and NKS software and hardware by Native Instruments
– Works with the Kontakt “Libraries” browser and Native Access

This library requires NI Kontakt Player or Kontakt FULL v6.2.2 or later!


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